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Wednesday 27 August 2014

Tourism in Hurghada - Egypt

The most important tourist attractions 

Hurghada characterized by the diversity of its tourism activities, as it includes monuments and parks and resorts, land tours and markets, so it is one of the places suitable for all holidays, vacations couples or families or youth trips, identified with us on the most important places worth visiting in this beautiful city. 

Pin mosque Dahar
 Mosque Dahar

Or mosque, "Abdel-Moneim Riad," is one of the most distinctive features of the city of Hurghada, was Anaah in the seventies of the last century, which is the most beautiful mosque in the city and its neighboring areas, located downtown in the neighborhood of Dahar, and the advantage of Bmizntah Alshahqtin iconic, as characterized by motifs on the inner walls of the impressive , and in the evening are lighting interface mural of it, giving it a wonderful sight solemn in the night, and go to this mosque will see the large number of street vendors, who sleep in his name making it one of the main traffic areas in the city. 

Pin the scaffold 


It is a neighborhood and facial tourist primary in Hurghada, located this neighborhood South neighborhood Dahar, and the advantage of the path of the Sheraton, which runs parallel to the sea shore and includes the length of a number of five-star hotels, and also includes a lot of cafes, restaurants and shops, and live in this neighborhood, a lot of Europeans who moved from Europe to settle in the city of Hurghada, and in addition to Sheraton Road, there is a "street Sherry" and "Street school," These Alstreetan who Aajan pedestrians and pedestrians times tonight, and here feel normal life normal in Hurghada away from tourism and tourists, is located in this neighborhood also "Marina" Hurghada or yacht marina, is an ideal place for lovers to walk and enjoy the fresh sea air inhalation in the daytime or at night quiet dreamer. 

Pin Aquarium Hurghada 

Aquarium of Hurghada 
Located in the neighborhood of Dahar near the city beach, featuring nearly 30 basins hydraulically with different sizes and live in many types of marine organisms known in the Red Sea, in addition to the three pools of fresh water, with a price of admission ticket: 15 pounds, and the advantage of this aquarium care superior cleanliness and order in everything, both in ponds or in areas of Visitors, which makes it a tourist destination task which compare favorably with those in Europe, you can read the names of fish and marine life on the regulations hanging over each basin written in several languages​​, and near the docks there is a coffee shop has views wonderful sea, it is ideal to drink something hot or cold after the tour in the aquarium. 

Pin Museum sand 

Located opposite the Mall "Senzo," The price of admission ticket 70 pounds, and includes more than 60 carved statues and reliefs of sand, has been the formation of all these statues of water and sand compressed until it became like a stone solid, and in order to preserve them from the wind and rain is coating surfaces varnishing, reaches an elevation of some of these statues nearly 10 meters, which includes a mixture of different epochs and civilizations, of course, the first figures and sculptures Pharaonic addition to sculptures by Napoleon and Zeus and Cleopatra and Poseidon and Caesar and Eros, and there are statues of "heroes" of the modern era, such as "King Kong" and "Jack Sparrow "and Spider-Man, we've accomplished this museum took nearly six months and involved 29 artists from around the world in shaping this phenomenon artistic respectable. 

Pin neighborhood Kawthar 

Located south of the neighborhood scaffold, and extends this neighborhood along the hotel "Mashrabeya" in the north down to the hotel "Grand Plaza" in the south, including known Palmmhy tourism, there is in this walkway plenty of shops that sell various gifts and souvenirs traditional Egyptian, and a lot of cafes In addition to the shopping center's famous "Esplanada Mall," On the inner side of the walkway has been the establishment of many of the luxury residential projects, as it includes many of the villas with private pools and high-end apartments. 

Pin camping in the desert 

Camping in the desert 
  Tourists in Hurghada freedom trips "Safari" organized by many of the actors tourist to do Baltkhiem with Bedouins in the desert oasis near Hurghada, the journey takes about two hours of starting in a convoy of tourist group traveling on a dirt road leading to the pond water and then go to the place of camping Bedouin, imaginary journey to live the atmosphere of simplicity with the people who live in simple huts and offer visitors tea, food and souvenirs versus symbolic prices, and you can take a tour on the back of the camel in order to increase the fun moment, a chance to enjoy the journey desert before deciding nomads move to other places to live, she already an amazing experience, as you can not imagine the beauty of the stars in the night sky net vast desert quiet.


  1. After reading your blog I have been much aware of the attractions of Hurghada. I have never visited this place. Last week my uncle came from this place and told me about Pin camping in the desert and Mosque Dahar. I was very excited to see these places but your post has increased my knowledge about other attractions. After coming from bus tours dc I must go there.


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