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Wednesday 27 August 2014

7 List of Tourist Attractions in South Korea

There are many Tourist Attractions in South Korea are interesting in visiting. If you have a chance to go to Korea, you can explore tourist places in this country and will have an amazing experience. With an interesting blend of traditional and modern attractions, South Korea has become a very popular tourist destination in the World. Korea is rich in culture, history, technology, and the food. Seoul is a major tourist destination for travelers. Other popular tourist destinations outside of Seoul include Seorak-san national park, the historic city of Gyeongju and semi-tropical Jeju Island. 

Here are the 7 best version of World T0ur Tourist attractions in South Korea you must visit:

1 Seoul 

Ve May Bay Saigon in Seoul 
Seoul is the capital of South Korea as well as the political and economic center of the country. This beautiful city is made up of modern buildings and ancient architecture that makes this city worth a visit. Seoul has many historical and cultural art. Seoul metropolitan region contains four World Heritage Sites, including, Changdeok Palace, Hwaseong Fortress, Jongmyo Shrine and the Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty. Seoul is also home to the street food vendors and extensive night life and very sparkling. One of the Tourism in South Korea has an exceptional education system and Buddhist temples were very calm and peaceful as well as trend-setting youth culture is dynamic and outstanding architecture. Some great modern symbol in Seoul including Korea Finance Building, N Seoul Tower, the World Trade Center and the seven-skyscraper residence Tower Palace.

2. Jeju Island

Jeju Island 
Jejudo or Jeju Island, also known as the "Island of the Gods" is a tourist spot in South Korea are very popular in the World (nicknamed similar to Bali) and a lot of foreign visitors each year to the island. Jeju Island become one of the main purposes in South Korea for those who want to the honeymoon. That makes Jeju island is different from the other, because this island has a mixture of volcanic rock, frequent rainy weather, and a very cool climate, making it very similar to the Hawaiian Islands in the United States. The island offers visitors a wide range of activities: hiking on Halla-san (South Korea's highest peak), watch the sunrise and sunset over the ocean, viewing majestic waterfalls and lava tubes, Jeju Loveland, riding horses, or just lying on a sandy beach . There are also many museums that can be found in this area, such as Folklore and Natural History Museum, Jeju Independence Museum, Museum Education, Jeju Teddy Bear Museum and many more. You also can enjoy the natural scenery by going in the various parks and caves that can be found on this island. 

3 Haeundae Beach - Busan 

Haeundae beach-south-korea-
Haeundae Beach in Busan 
Busan is a seaport surrounded by several beaches. The most beautiful of the tourist attractions in South Korea is Haeundae beach. This beach can be visited in the summer and winter. During the winter, Haeundae Beach is a beautiful place to walk around. Haeundae Beach will be very busy throughout the year with some kind of beach festivals and visitors from within and outside of the country. Dongbaekseom (Dongbaek Island), located at the south end of the beach, offering views of the ocean with the car and the famous beach for fishing. Haeundae Beach is one of the most popular places in Busan to see the first sunrise on January 1, with about a thousand meetings before dawn. 

4. Seoul Tower 'Manara'

Seoul Tower is the best place to enjoy the night view. You can also take a bus, cable car or simply on foot to get to the bottom of the tower Seoul. Among the three, it is advised you to you select a cable car up because you can take a lot of cool photos while sitting in the cable car and enjoy the evening atmosphere of Seoul. Usually there are many couples who visited the Seoul Tower at night to enjoy a romantic and peaceful night. To avoid the crowds, you can visit the tourist attractions in South Korea is in the daytime, but enjoy the scenery at Tower Seoul Tower at night is the best. At the top of the tower, there is a Digital Observatory, high-powered telescopes to only pay ₩ 500. In addition, you can also catch a glimpse of Seoul city skyline to look out through the window. 

"Lock of Love" at the Seoul Tower 
Have you heard the "Locks of Love"? Locks of love at Seoul Tower symbolizes the eternal love between lovers promise 'that they will never separate. In addition to the key, there is another attraction for couples at Seoul Tower is "Message of Love Ceramic" where you can write a message or air photos with your lover in the tile and then stick it in the corner provided which is located on the first floor of the tower. 

5. Seoraksan National Park 

-national-park-Korean Seoraksan 
Bridge in Seoraksan National Park 
Seoraksan is the highest mountain in the Taebaek mountain in Gangwon province in eastern South Korea. The national park attracts many national and international tourists throughout the year, but the main season for Seoraksan national park is autumn. Autumn colors in the area are considered amongst the most beautiful in Korea. Red and yellow forest interspersed by rocks and streams, as well as a small mountain in the middle. Tourist attractions in South Korea has some famous temples, including Baekdam-sa. The inside of the Taebaek Mountain Range called inner Seorak. The other major area is the Outer Seorak and South Seorak. All three regions divided by Daecheong-bong, the main peak of Seorak-san. 

6. Gyeongbok Palace 

Gyeongbok Palace 
There are five main palace is mainly located in Seoul, including: Gyeongbok Palace, Changgyeong Palace, Changdeok, Doksu Palace, and Kyonghi. The palace is also known as the "Five Grand Palaces" built by the Joseon Dynasty. Among the Five Grand Palaces in Seoul, Gyeongbok Palace is the largest and most famous castles which have undergone reconstruction back to the original number of palace because of damage caused by the Japanese government in the early 20th century. Gyeongbok palace is believed to have a name meaning "Palace of Shining Happiness.". In the northern part of Gyeongbok Palace, you can see Hyangwonjeong, an attractive hexagonal pavilion surrounded by a lotus pond, trees, and flowers. Hyangwonjeong name means "Pavilion of Far-Reaching" while the bridge at the pond called as Chwihyanggyo, means "Bridge intoxicated by the scent." Tourist Attractions in South Korea is an amazing place where you can enjoy the quiet and natural beauty Susana on time same. 

7 Gyeongju

City View Gyeoungju 
Gyeongju is a small town in North Ulsan and Busan in the southeast corner of South Korea. The city is actually referred to as a museum without walls. This is because the city has many historical sites. Gyeongju is home to the Bulguksa Temple, which is famous throughout Korea as the site ever depicted on banknotes (₩ 5,000 old records). Bulguksa, which is perched on top of the mountain, is a classic example of Buddhist architecture of Korea. The best time to visit Bulguksa Temple is the morning. Its structure is very impressive and is actually considered as a masterpiece of Buddhist art. In the 8th century when the temple was built during the Silla Kingdom. Gyeongju is best seen in the spring, when the fruit of the cherry trees that line the main streets poured into the streets, of course, it is quite an amazing sight, it would not be wrong if tourist place in South Korea has become the cover of the 7 best tourist attractions in South Korea. 

Tip Visits: 
The best time to visit Korea is in the fall (September-November). At this time, the weather is warm, sunny and beautiful will be seen from the leaves. Winter is a cold and dry, and a good time to visit if you are interested in winter sports because there are many ski resorts. Spring (April-May) is also beautiful with cherry blossoms. However, this season will be very crowded by tourists and you have to book early to ensure accommodations are still available. In the summer it will feel humid and hot, and a little crowded by tourists. Also when the rainy season begins, there are so many activities that are affected by high rainfall and low. That is some information about the tourist attractions in South Korea may be able to help you to plan your vacation. Do not forget to also visit other interesting article entitled "Tourist Attractions in Hong Kong".


  1. South Korea has plenty of tourist attractions. It is very attractive and fabulous place. Last year I visited it before my washington hop on hop off tour. I was amazed to see its natural beauty and stunning places. Jeju Island is one of my favorite places. It offers numerous of activities to visitors. I stayed there for five days and in these days I visited Seoraksan National Park, Changdeokgung Palace, Folk Village (Gyeongsangbuk), Insadong Shopping Street and Gyeongju. I like my trip very much. I cannot forget the beauty of this place.


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