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Thursday 28 August 2014

10 Cities in the world, where shopping hobby

Paris and the French style shopping 

Paris, capital of elegance and beauty, is also a city shopping privilege. 17000 wherein exposure to shop the best quality of clothing, shoes and accessories market is ... Sant- Ooan Saint- Ouen shopping destination for unique, it contains several markets, including the market where he was Albarghot antique artifacts and old clothes. 
The neighborhood opera Vmtagerh its centers and commercial luxury subjected to the most important international designers and high fashion, and is considered a suburb of Saint Honore and Boitkacha region optimal shopping generously global brands, such as Hermes and Yves Saint Laurent. 
As for jewelry, handbags and accessories, such as Dior, Chanel and Louis Vuitton, Fjadh Mountain is the premier shopping destination. Finally, do not need to be roaming in the neighborhood of Saint Germain de Pres, which includes a number of stylish boutiques.

Hong- Kong Chinese and shopping choices open

Hong- Bmrakzha Kong is famous for its brand, and the prices where almost exempt from customs duties. And sometimes lower prices and customs duties from 20 to 30% compared to the rest of the world's cities. 
Exposure supermarket chain IT ITE local clothes of the most important brands. If the shopper who prefer to major business centers, there are several choices, such as the Pacific Palace in Admiralty Street, and Times Square in Kozoaa- Bay, and Langham Palace in Mong- Cook. 
It draws in Hong- Kong markets open and which receives its astronauts until midnight, where they find counterfeit products to the most important global brands.

United States of America 
Shopping in Austin on the way Texan

Despite the correlation Texas American cowboy in Hollywood, the Austin city that took its name from Stephen Austin, nicknamed the father of Texas, is the capital of Music live performances in the world. 
Shopping in Austin and being on the way Texan, In the neighborhood of South Kongrth cultural group of small shops with larger stores in the area meets Erportom in north-west of Austin, in the city's commercial center meets boutiques that display the most important role of the fashion world.

Shopping in Los Angeles in Beverly Hills and reincarnation lives of stars

In the west coast city of Los Angeles stretching or also known as the city of pearls. Hollywood Boulevard and is considered a hotbed of Western shops and the most attractive for tourists. Apparently Giant Robot store in the Town Jaban- unlike modern small boutique named. 
Those who have a passion for shopping and unleash him what they just go to Rodeo Drive in Bwerlei Hills, and it is natural in the city of cinema that embodies the visitor city life stars and dressed like them, and boutique Star Leers in Santa Monica present for this adventure in shopping.

New York Avenue and Fifth Avenue shopping on the way wealthy New York 

In the east coast, stretching New York the fashion capital of America, which compete with Paris and London boutiques throughout major European interfaces that offer the finest fashion houses of the world. The Macy's in Manhattan, where there is a temple of shopping whatever it wants on the way the New York shopper, and near the SoHo neighborhood, which includes a large number of shops and boutiques for all budgets. 
As lovers of pearls and Alstrass and fashion style tagged New Yorker, they will achieve their wishes in Strawberry and Mandy. With who are ready to unleash their cards banking on them to go to Fifth Avenue in the heart of Manhattan, this is a serious historical boulevards of the most expensive in the world and includes the finest boutiques of international fashion and the role of the most important. Finally, anyone who wants to deal a distinctive shopping, go to the factory stores or what is known as Bal Outlet Center, where prices page.

Melbourne Australian fashion capital 

Melbourne is the capital of the Australian fashion par excellence. So the shopping in this city is fun due to the multiple markets that fit all tastes and budgets. In Swanton Street Fashion Antique stores are located, while in the Harbour Town Shopping Center shops offer the most popular Australian brands. 

In Chapel Street boutiques there that displays for designers Ostraliyn, and finally Queen Victoria Market is the largest market in the southern section of the city where there are high-end fashion boutiques of renowned designers.

London Shopping City Classic 

Can not be dispensed from London city's traditional shopping, where there are supermarkets in Oxford Street, in the neighborhood of Knightsbridge and Bond Street are the perfect for those looking for high-end fashion. 
The amateur Western fashion and Alkajoal what they just go to Carnaby and Regent streets and Jermaine where there are stores that offer the latest fashion at affordable prices. 
To discover young designers on visits to London to go to Camden Town, it is an open market.

Copenhagen, capital of Denmark and the story of the longest pedestrian street in Europe 

The Street Strugt stroget in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, the longest pedestrian street in Europe, and includes stores such as Prada, Chanel, Louis Vuitton attract enthusiasts shopping, also includes souvenir shops, clothing Alkajoal of the most important European designers. 
The Boulevard Kubmagrgad stores featuring big names in the fashion world such as Diesel, as well as small boutiques distinct in what you offer.

In Italy ... If you want to know the year you'll Milan Fashion
Not complete hobby shopping only visited the stronghold of Milan fashion world, and more international designers have boutiques in this Italian city that is unique from the rest of the Italian cities owe their inspiration in the world of fashion. 
Highlights Duomo Duomo a live can not miss a visit as the massing global brands, while Xsslcior Milan Excelsior Milano is a shopping paradise enthusiasts of all kinds. 
At the center, the author of seven layers meet business new designers and the latest fashion lines in boutiques for men and women.

Dubai Shopping Festival can not be missed 

Shopping in Dubai is an opportunity not to be missed, this emirate has allocated shopping celebration known as the Dubai Shopping Festival DSF starts in January and ends in February / February 
The visitor finds tempting offers in all business centers of Dubai, without exception, as well as offering valuable prizes for visitors to the emirate during the festival.
The concept of shopping reformulated uniquely in old markets and in commercial centers distinct summit modern and competitive tax-free. Indeed, Dubai is the shopping capital of the Middle East and perhaps even in the world.


  1. I am a tourist and I have been visited many countries. Shopping is my hobby. On my each and every tour I must buy something for me and my family. It reminds me about my trip. Your blog is very useful for me because I had planned my trip to Dubai, Paris and New York. I must go these shopping places that you mentioned above. Right now I am enjoying from washington dc hop on hop off. After it I will go to my next destinations.


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